To me, this guy is more than a magician, and more than an athlete, he's a pure artist. His determination to push the human body beyond its clinical limits is of course very spectacular and impressive, but it also says something about what it means to live. How much can one deprave the body from resources (food, oxygen) and still survive? There is also a sense of askesis very similar to what one can find in several religious traditions (fast, meditation, etc.)...
However, what struck me particularly was the fact that after a failed attempt he finally broke the record (live on TV) when he was convinced that he had no chance to succeed since his heartbeat was unusually high during the immersion. I think there might be some universal truth in this: great things are often achieved just at the moment when a long chain of intense efforts oriented to a precise goal ultimately gives way to the disappearance of all hope.
1 comment:
6 février
Ca s'appelle le "lâcher prise" cette attitude. Celle que certains thérapeutes n'arrêtent pas de rappeler. Et quand on constate que ça marche on est stupéfait à un point tel que la fois suivante on oublie tout et on recommence à ne compter que sur soi. Le point délicat c'est de savoir à quel moment renoncer et je pense que c'est quand on a épuisé toutes les possibilités. A moins qu'on ait recours à l'ange gardien!
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