Adding Flavor to AdS4/CFT3 by Andy O'Bannon from the Max Planck Institut in Munich, based on 0909.3845.
The motivation is that the AdS/CFT correspondence only really becomes useful for applications (quark-gluon plasma at RHIC, condensed matter systems, often 3-dimensional) when it involves not only fields in the adjoint representation of the gauge group---strings starting and ending on the same brane---but also fields in the fundamental representation. For this one needs to add new branes so that strings can stretch between different branes.
Such procedure is well-understood in the AdS5/CFT4 context: the supergravity action acquires a new term describing the new Dp-branes (be it D5 or D7), $\large S_{10d} = S_{IIB} + S_{Dp}$, and this is dual to super-Yang-Mills with flavors in 4d, $S_{4d} = S_{\mathcal{N}=4} + S_{\text{flavor}}$. The story in M-theory is less understood. The "membrane minirevolution" (as Lubos calls it) led to a duality between $N_c$ M2-branes with a $AdS_4 \times S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$ horizon, and a (2+1)dimensional Chern-Simons theory with N=6 supersymmetries with fields in the bifundamental of $U(N_c)_k \times U(N_c)_{-k}$. This is the famous ABJM theory (see Klebanov & Torri for a recent review). The goal of the talk is to understand what happens on the field theory side when on add M5-branes. What is the $S_{\text{flavor}}$ dual to $S_{M5}$?
Since the whole heuristic argument is based on being able to use the intuition of a string stretched between different branes being in the fundamental, and since there is no string in M-theory, the strategy is to start with type IIB supergravity with $N_c$ D3-branes, add Dp-branes and NS5-branes to get some flavor, and then T-dualise to IIA and lift to eleven-dimensional supergravity, the low-energy limit of M-theory. Here is roughly how it goes.
The D3-branes are first considered as hanging along one direction between two NS5-branes, as so (thanks to Cyril for allowing me to use his drawing device:):
Now perform a dimensional reduction on this compact interval and you get a (2+1)d SYM with N=4 and gauge group $U(N_c)$. If you replace one NS5 by a (1,k)5 = NS5 + k D5, then you get (after considering bounday terms...) a Chern-Simons theory with level k. Pretty close already!
Now consider two stacks of D3-branes stretched between the (1,k)5 and the NS5
(the (1,k)5 has to be tilted to preserve N=3 superymmetries, with and angle $\large \tan\theta = k$):
What you get now is a CS theory with N=3 and fields in the bifundamental of $U(N_c)_k \times U(N_c)_{-k}$, which is starting to realy look like the ABJM theory. The superymmetry can be enhanced because of Kaluza-Klein monopoles (which correspond on the field theory side to take the low energy limit by integrating out masses greater than $g_{YM}^2 k$) but Andy passed over this important subtlety, and so do I.
All that is left to do is to T-dualise this whole brane construction and lift to eleven dimensions to produce M2-branes and Kaluza-Klein monopoles (which are described purely geometrically...):
\[D3 \to D2 \to M2 \]
\[NS5 \to KK \to KK \]
\[(1,k)5 \to KK + D6 \to KK'\]
The KK monopoles interesect at a $\mathbb{C}^4/\mathbb{Z}_k$ orbifold singularity, and placing $N_c \to \infty$ M2-branes at this singularity produces a near-horizon geometry $AdS_4 \times S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$, which is dual to the ABJM theory.
So now to understand flavors in AdS4/CFT3 you can add some Dp-branes in the IIB background and repeat this translation procedure to M-theory. Andy went through two examples, one with D5-branes, the other with D-branes, and showed that they in fact both lead to the same CS theory with flavor and $SU(4) \times U(1)$ isometry.
He finished by mentioning an application: fractional quantum Hall effect.
So now to understand flavors in AdS4/CFT3 you can add some Dp-branes in the IIB background and repeat this translation procedure to M-theory. Andy went through two examples, one with D5-branes, the other with D-branes, and showed that they in fact both lead to the same CS theory with flavor and $SU(4) \times U(1)$ isometry.
He finished by mentioning an application: fractional quantum Hall effect.
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